
SERO Tokenomics and Circulation Statistics (as of 2019.4.30)


Total Supply : 1 Billion SERO

I. Reserved for Miners : 80% (800 million SERO, will be released over a period of 101 years)

 |- 75% :  Reserved for Mining
 |-  5%  :  Reserved for Guild Mining

Now, 41 million SERO have been mined on betanet from the 75% reserved pool of mining and 2.7 million SERO have distributed from the 5% reserved pool of Guild Mining as of 30th April 2019.

II. Reserved for Investors and Institutions : 10% (100 million SERO ERC Tokens)

These are the ERC tokens issued back in 2018. 

A) A total of 48 million SERO coins were sold. A linear unlocking in 12 months after 3 months of the mainnet exchange listing to investment institutions and individuals including (according to investment order) : Mr. Suyang Zhang, LD Capital, QTUM Fund.
B) IBO and Resource Swap Expenses SERO.

IBO : Sold 6 million SERO tokens at a one-time release of over 3 months period.

Private placement : Sold 1 million SERO tokens and will be released in 6 months of linear unlocking from the time of private placement.

C) Remaining Investment and Financing.

45 million SERO tokens. These coins will only be used for investment and financing institutions in the future.

III. Reserved for Team : 10% (100 million SERO, will be released over a period of 101 years)

SERO team lockup : 5.3 million SERO coin will be unlocked six months after released with mining i.e, starting from 7th, January, 2019, six months after the Betanet was launched)