
SERO Mainnet Launch : GPU Mining and New Algorithm


As per schedule, the first phase of SERO Mainnet will go live at the end of June and GPU mining will be introduced on 30th May. The network will be forked and new consensus algorithm will be implemented.

BETANET-R7.1 Release Announce

The purpose of this release is to switch the PoW algorithm from SERO-Ethash to ProgPOW and to support mining using GPU.

This algorithm will switch at 940410 block height, which is approximately Beijing time 21:00 on 30th May.

  • This release has an impact on gero and mine-pool. Please update the program as soon as possible. The new version will automatically switch the algorithm.
  • cminer will not be used after 940410 block height instead use serominer, which support opencl/cuda/cpu.
  • serominer download:
  • The SERO miners need to restart their node wallets in order to trigger an automatic upgrade which’ll replace the gero service.
  • Flight Wallet does not need to be updated.
  • Optimization of Wallet account Analysis process

    With the increase in the number of blocks, the old balance analysis program (state1) has become slow, this release abandoned the state1 analysis program, changed to balance analysis program, so:

  • After the new version is installed the account balance data needs to be re-analyzed and the account balance may not be displayed correctly during this period, which is about 2 hours.
  • Block Reward Adjustment

    Please refer to SIP3: Reward Improvement Plan (BETANET-R7.1 Content)

    Download BETANET-R7.1 Release Packages and see detailed announcement :
